Debussy's Influence On American Imperialism

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The late 19th century was a time of great change. With rapid modernisation came increased imperial encounters and the rise of colonialism. Countries became preoccupied with ideas of self and national identity, and this desire for individuality created, at the same time, interest in the concept of the exotic “other.” Exoticism was hugely popular in French art music of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. What was foreign was often considered primitive or dangerous, but also extremely alluring and fascinating. Debussy’s “La Soiree dans Grenade” from Estampes might be considered transcultural, according to Ralph P. Locke, for integrating elements of Spanish music within a Western context. However Debussy was heavily influenced by exoticized idea of Spanish music, and even the genuine Spanish music he heard was tainted by the widespread interest in exotic music at the time. Debussy’s “La Soiree dans Grenade” is really an approximation upon an approximation, regardless of how convincingly it evokes the Spanish spirit. During the Napoleonic wars, the French developed great sympathy for Spain even as their armies fought. France’s history of revolution made them appreciative of Spain’s ability to defend themselves without a king, after their …show more content…

Debussy was actually inspired by this work, and reworked much of “La Soiree dans Grenade” after hearing it. Like Ravel, he uses the dotted habanera rhythm present from m. 1 through most of the piece. Another popular Spanish rhythmic figure both composers use is the juxtaposition of triplet to duplet eighth notes. An example of this can be found in m. 23 of “La Soiree dans Grenade.” Debussy also imitates the sounds of a guitar in his piece. The image of a man with a guitar serenading his love from below her balcony was also popular Spanish stereotype. The “strumming” can be heard near the end of the piece in the sections marked “léger et

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