Sweet Lullllaby Of World Music Case Study

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Sweet Lullaby of World Music Over the course of history, music has developed from a personal, academic pursuit to an extension of a global marketplace and an attribute of this global community. In order to better address this conversation and the surrounding idea, Feld utilizes the platform he has developed to pose the argument that music has long been cultivated as a means of communication and interaction. This relationship is developed and analyzed as a case study in this article, which happens to be in discussing a traditional lullaby first developed in the Solomon Islands, which was in turn recorded by a European pop group that sold millions of copies of a rendition of the song. Furthermore, the article goes to show the trend of music to be redistributed and developed in the sense that it is later reused by a popular jazz musician in Europe. Feld then begs the question about the nature of the redistribution of music and whether this facilitates a hybridization of music or an alienation and artistic degradation of the original work for the indigenous artists. The idea of world music developed in the 1960s among academics who were attempting to classify and trace the origins and inspirations of …show more content…

Because of this, though, the globalization of a song can be seen as detractor to the value of the song 's original use or purpose as there is an essential loss of identity for the song when it is utilized for purposes that stand in contrast to the personal value that it originally possessed. This article is essential in understanding global pop music and the relationship that it has with various forms of music because of the introduction of this discussion that it poses. Feld illustrates many of the reasons behind this development and the causes as to why this phenomenon

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