Dean Mahomet's Identity In The East India Company

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Indian society in the 18th century was divided, with the help of regional rulers a unified India was non-existent. This meant that regions of people spoke different languages and had different customs, aiding the inability to stop English intervention. This is partly why Fisher thought that joining the East English India Company was a smart move for some families. It is also important to note that the caste system was very prominent in India, and through this caste system families arranged marriages and stayed in their lane. I will argue that Dean Mahomet’s identity was already established before he was born and began to evolve during his time with Captain Baker despite contradicting feelings, the move to Europe did change some of his characteristics but most of all it helped him express his true identity. Dean Mahomet’s father made it to the rank of second lieutenant, this was a great achievement which earned him and his …show more content…

I found the face of everything about me so contrasted those striking scenes in India”(Fisher 494) so even though he had an appreciation for the people and land of India he realized that's not him. Through this realization he appealed to the Irish elite and married, but then eloped with a teenager named Jane, this is important because it occurred after the death of Mr.Baker. It is the first decision independent of Mr.Baker and the East English Indian company. He breaks the idea of the caste system and finds a new identity with this marriage. However, after realizing its potential for marketability he opened a coffeehouse named the “Hindostanee Coffeehouse” in 1809, this is one of the first times we see Dean embrace his Indian identity and use it to his advantage but it would not be the last. I believe that being surrounded by English people made him realize that if he stopped trying to be

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