Dealing with Problems Between Parents and Teenagers

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Dealing with Problems Between Parents and Teenagers

Every parent is subject to the continuous complaining and abuse from

their supposedly devoted, kind and mature teenagers. Furthermore they

are all familiar to the comments like, “your tight”, “I never asked to

be born” and of course just simply, “I hate you”. So how can a parent

deal with this and what should they do? Many parents either just give

up or alternatively say the answer is to be strict. But it isn’t as

simple as that.

Trying to be cool is a definite “no-no” for parents. The reasons for

this are quite simple, it will embarrass your child to the absolute

maximum and if you never want your child to speak to you again this is

certainly an easy way to achieve this. There is really only one way to

be a cool or respectable parent, and that is to be totally relaxed

around your child and his/her friends. Being relaxed really just means

being willing to join in or be amused by a typical teenage joke and

not being over protective.

Something that carries on from the idea of being relaxed around your

child is when parents make curfews; one of teenagers worse nightmares.

This is one of the areas where much falling out happens over parents

and their children. Curfews are perfectly acceptable but too many

parents don’t listen to what their kids have to say or if they do just

disregard their point. There is no need to get cross or angry and

letting your kids have a say and incorporating their ideas into your

rules will help relationships and will allow you to trust them as well

as them respecting you.

One of the golden rules for parents is not to get cross. Teenagers are

actually human beings beneath their grunts, long air and scruffy

clothes. But too many adults treat them like children that can’t be

left alone without anything going drastically wrong. This stereotype

of teenagers needs to be rectified and one-way to do this is to treat

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