Dbq French Revolution

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Way back in the late 1789, a country went through a great change. France had always a monarchical country, as well as the rest of Europe and Great Britain. Despite the long history of being that, the people wanted a change. France had some great kings, but they also had some not so great ones, which I believe may had led them to their decision to revolt. There were many factors that caused them to be upsetted by bad kings, such as higher taxes, loss of land, mistreatment, or just corruptness (not all of the bad kings had these qualities)but, the thing that upsetted them the most, was the feudal system. People of higher classes were growing and the peasants just wanted to be free, they wanted their own land, and not have to work off someone else’s. Anyways, back to the revolt, this was no little revolt, this revolt turned into a revolution. The revolutionaries had good intentions, at first, to make a constitution, (they were inspired by the American revolution) but that didn’t go as planned, and it all went south. Later on, they planned to get rid of the King, and they did, beheading King Louis XVI, but after that, a thirst for blood continued, seeking out the people they despised, the Aristocrats. Before King Louis XVI was beheaded, he had a son, Louis XVII with …show more content…

In that same year, his mother was another victim of the guillotine. The royalists (the aristocrats and people for the monarchy) now saw Louis as the King of France, that is, after his father was killed. Yet, he wasn’t able to do anything, because well, he was in captivity, and in fact, treated awfully, and a victim of proposed sexual abuse. The people who were entrusted to others to care for Louis attempted to brainwash, and after they saw that it was successful, he was put into confinement, where he was neglected and his health declined very much, and died from Tuberculosis in

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