Day In Auschwitz

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In the film “A Day in Auschwitz” we learn about a woman named Kitty Hart, a holocaust survivor that was forced into Auschwitz only at the age of sixteen. In present day; we observe Kitty and two other young girls (Lydia and Natalia) walk around the camp while also being educated on the horrors that took place in auschwitz, and Kitty’s struggle for survival. The documentary also mentions Kitty’s mother, a smart, skilled, and talented woman that helped both her and her daughter escape Auschwitz. Kitty illustrates a story on her survival: Kitty benefited the camp by doing her tasks without a grumble. This led to a surplus advantages with new job opportunities like: Working the bathrooms which permitted her warmth and a distant location from the …show more content…

At the airport, Dave was stopped by security and searched. Dave admits that has never happened to him before, and he has been in that airport multiple times. Dave refused to pray five times a day along side his host family. However, he kept an open mind about their faith. As shown in the documentary, many people were interviewed on what they think when the heard words like: “terrorist” or “muslim.” As days went by, Dave continued to engage in the Islamic community. For example: He read the Quran everyday and he took Arabic-speaking lessons. As Dave’s days became shorter he decided to test the community on their behavior towards Muslims, by asking them to sign a petition, Dave received negative comments. Dave even appeared on a radio show and answered questions from the public. Dave mainly heard questions that involved the topic of terrorism. One question even stated: “Did you suspect and terrorist activity?” At the end of the event Dave finally opened his eyes and prayed like a typical Muslim worshipper. King would be happy about the documentary. In King’s letter, He describes that white individuals need to get involved in order to stop discrimination for good. And in “30 Days” Dave does just that by defending the muslims when negative comments came his way, in public and on the radio show. King’s argument would be compelling in regards to this documentary. His arguments match the illustrations of the the

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