Dark Points Of Space Essay

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A legitimate point of science or are they just science fiction? While originally dismissed as a fanatical concept instead of legitimate celestial body black holes despite being elusive and very difficult to observe have been proven in recent years opening the theoretical possibilities wide open for these shadowy entities. Objects of extreme density and with a gravitational force so strong even light cannot escape from their pull they instill both a sense of awe and fear of the unknown. What exactly are these dark points of great mass and how do they effect the universe that quite literally in some cases swirl around them? We continue to ask these question and search for the through with theories and observations. Black holes were first theorized by Albert Einstein in 1916 with his general theory of relativity. With his general theory of relativity Einstein proposed that gravity isn’t just a force as Sir Iscaac Newton had formally stated. Instead gravity is a consequence of a distortion in space and time. These distortions vary but the more mass an object processes the more of a distortion they have on the fabric of space-time causing the other objects to be drawn in due to the distortion. For example the planets in our Solar system aren’t simply being pulled in by the sun but they are instead revolving around the warped space-time …show more content…

In truth though black hole has just about as much gravitational pull as other stars or cosmic objects of the same mass. Most objects would have to pass close by to ‘fall’ into a black hole in order become trapped by it’s pull. The point where an object reaches the point of no return and it is trapped in the gravitational pull is known as the event horizon. At this point escape becomes impossible as then the object would need to travel faster than the speed of light to escape. (Black

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