Dark Blue Monologue

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"He broke up with me after sophomore year. I was alone, friendless and heartbroken. Not to mention this was around the time of my parent's split and everything that went down with Alex." "Alex is your brother right?" "Yeah," I sigh. I'd talk about Alex soon enough but it was getting late and I needed time for old wounds to scab over before picking at new ones. "He didn't deserve you," Justin says quietly, his calloused fingers caressing my cheek, "he's a fucking idiot for ever cheating on you and treating you that way." His grip on my face tightens in anger. "I know that now," I smile at Justin's obvious concern for me. God this boy does things to me. "It had been months since I last saw him until that dinner I had with Karen. Remember, …show more content…

The whole car ride home I couldn't help but stare at Justin. It was unbelievable that this sweet, charming, insanely attractive guy was into me. I don't know if I could ever stop falling for him now. *** Tease Favorite color? Me Basic af. Dark blue. You? Tease Don't insult my question! And mine is blue too ;-). This proves we're soulmates you know. Me Or that you're just a corny little shit. Tease Oh how you wound me babe. Now ask a damn question Me Damn! Bossy. Favorite regular movie and favorite chick flick. And don't you dare say The Notebook❗️ Tease You're no fun. Definitely all of the Fast & Furious movies. And the Vow. Charlotte cried like a baby. Me More like you cried loser. The newest Maleficent movie with Angelina Jolie is something I absolutely adore. And my chick flick would be The Choice because two words: Benjamin. Walker. Tease Dude. He's old. Me Hey! He's aged well thank you very much. Tease Whatever babe. Me Stop calling me that. Tease Nah you love it. I bet you're dying to confess your undying love for me …show more content…

We don't need to rush anything. We know where each other stands." I sigh in exasperation. The words 'slow' and 'not dating' when applied to Justin and I somehow didn't make sense in her brain. "Okay, fine. Even though that doesn't make any sense in my stinlly heart, I'm going to work on accepting it. What I can't accept though is you lying and saying you two haven't kissed! There's no way he hasn't jumped you!" I begin choking on my water, Amiyah and Gracson burst into laughter, Jasmine's hand is covering her mouth and Shane is beginning to look a little green. Justin begins thumping his hand against my back as I gasp for air. "Jesus, Lilly are you okay?" Justin asks frantically. "I'm fine," I sputter, finally catching my breath. "My appetite is fucking gone," Shane grumbles, shoving his tray forward. Lou's just sitting across from me innocently, her devil red lips pursed in question. I shake my head. "Lou you're awful sometimes." "What? What did I do wrong?" "Nothing honey," Amiyah pats her arm before Lou shoves her off. "Seriously though man. If you're going to be with her, or do the friends with benefits whatever thing you've both got going on, why the fuck aren't you reaping the benefits?" If my eyes were lasers they'd burn Shane into a bitter

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