Fight Club Movie Vs Book

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In 1996, an author named Chuck Palahniuk released a book called Fight Club. The book is narrated by the main character who is not given a name in the book. Throughout, he narrates his life as he “suffers” from insomnia due to his work and stress. He then visits a doctor out of worry that he is suffering too much from his issues. The doctor then sends him to a support group to visualize what actual suffering looks like up close. There he meets a main character, of whom I would call the protagonist, along with Tyler Durden. The woman’s name is Marla Singer, and she has a hidden secret along with the narrator. Like the narrator, she travels from groups to groups without any real problems. That creates an issue between her and the narrator, as he realizes that he is just like her. I mention this because she is a main character that contributes to the comparison. Just like Durden, she seems to contribute to his “mental illness” in both the movie and book. The book goes on, and the …show more content…

The director of the movie took notable characteristics of each person in the book, and gave it to the perfect actor. The casting of Edward Norton for the narrator was perfect in every since. He has a hardcore side to his acting, as seen in American History X, but he also has an socially awkward side to his acting which matched well with the main character. With Brad Pitt, I was a little hesitant to watch him play out his role. He normally plays romantic characters in the movies I have seen, but in this movie he really brings out the “Tyler Durden” aspect. The character he plays in the movie is very sporadic and a character to question his methods, and Brad Pitt nailed that characteristic matching the book. With Marla, the director casted Helena Bonham-Carter, of whom I have never even payed attention to as an actress. That being said, she really brought out the role of the crazy lady that was portrayed in the

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