Red Monologue

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Sam and Antonello agreed to meet for a drink at the Vic. When Antonello arrived, Sam was already sitting at a table not the bar; on the table, on his side there was beer, on Antonello’s side a glass of red wine. Sam was bald, what was left of his hair, a rim of short hair, was flecked with grey. He had put on weight, but he was not fat, there was just a hint of a beer belly under the blue Metal Workers Union windcheater. ‘I took a punt – ordered you a red.’ ‘Thanks, still my drink of choice. I used to pretend I liked beer, I thought it’d make me look more Australian, but I gave up that a long time ago.’ ‘I remember,’ Sam said, ‘Unfortunately, I like the stuff too much, more ocker than the ones born here.’ It was 2pm, Paolina was in bed too …show more content…

‘Just a few compulsive gamblers now,’ Sam said. ‘You don’t come here anymore? This would still be your local?’ ‘This or the Blarney’s. But I don’t go to the pub much. Tend to do my drinking on the back veranda at home. I haven’t been in here for a good 10 years. Paolina dragged me here one night, she wanted to have dinner and play the pokies. I couldn’t stomach it. Too many memories. I kept looking over at the bar expecting to see Bob or Slav. I kept thinking I could hear Bob’s laughter…we didn’t even stay to eat.’ ‘Sorry mate, maybe we should’ve gone somewhere else,’ Sam said picking up his beer and taking a long swig. Antonello looked at Sam’s face, so familiar. The broad Roman nose, the busy eyebrows, the brown eyes. ‘No it’s okay. I’m okay. I was going to suggest somewhere else but nowhere else seemed right either.’ It was a weary pub. Gone were workers who’d filled the bar every night, gone with the closing down of the surrounding factories. No more punters. It had been renovated several times since the 70s, the layers of change were visible, one on top of the other, like poorly applied make-up over scar tissue, it failed to camouflage its

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