Dangerous Of A Single Story Summary

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The hegemony state is ordered to a central government that is used to reduce anarchy, promote free trade and provide currency to be used. This state creates a dominates by rules political and economic. The example from the Harvest of Empire by Juan Gonzalez stands out is the conquistadores as a function to manage the economic and political system under the Spanish crown (21). Colonialism gives one nation control of the land and people of a foreign land. These territories normally used for natural resources. The natives lose rights to govern themselves and control natural resources. For example, Gonzalez states how the fix Iroquois nations became gatekeepers to new alliances to white traders and settlers in the North American territories. They influenced fur trade and decisive force between two groups French and English for control (5). Imperialism is a nation that expanded their territory by political or military power. They control groups with economic power. For example, Gonzalez states how Cuba gained independence from Spain, but Untied States expansionism in …show more content…

The ted talk The Dangerous of a Single Story by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, begins by telling us a story about what she would write about as a child. The important of the concept of what she calls “a single story” this is important to the study of La Raza Studies because you need the analysis from more than just one group. A group that did not immigrate from Latin American for example how She would write stories that were like the foreign stories she would read which confined white child with blue eyes, nothing like her. She found African stories is when she realized that people like her could be in stores as well. When we read stories about a part of the world we tend to distinguish that part of the world as the stories describe those places towards the people that live in those places weather the one story shows these places and people in good or bad light with or without

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