Dance Captain Essay

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What are the responsibilities required to be a dance captain, and how can I efficiently manage and teach a group of people choreography? Summary: I will be a dance captain for the schools fall musical. Dance captain is like a job that I was assigned. I have certain expectations that I need to meet and have goals to complete daily. I have been built into the schedule so that I have times when people are working with me while the director is rehearsing other scenes. My duties include writing choreography for the show and also being able to learn every dance number and blocking so I can teach it to all of the cast members and be there for reference when needed. I am a dancer myself so I am interested in learning how to transform from the student …show more content…

It will allow me to be a manager and better my leadership skills. I will learn how to manage a big group of people, which is something that can be applied to many various careers. I will learn the best way to be a teacher and to stay calm and focused when things get difficult or crazy. All of these skills are not only applicable to the dance world, but to life in general. Goal and Objectives: My goal is to teach and polish dance numbers so that they will be clean and exciting for the show. My objectives are to learn the best ways to direct a group of people and to understand the duties required of a dance captain. I would like to improve my communication and leadership skills. Methods: I will first contact the director so that we can collaborate on ideas. Then I will start thinking of choreography, spacing, and places for the big dance number. I will create an outline for how to run rehearsal and what I need to teach. I will warm up the cast before every time we dance. I will break down the choreography to the cast in order to teach it to them, while gradually bringing the choreography up to tempo. I will run dance rehearsals. I will attend rehearsal to learn blocking for other scenes and dance numbers. I will help with polishing the choreography for the

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