Dak Prescott Character Analysis

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Dak Prescott had a rough childhood. He was raised by a single Mother whom he shared a room with. Dak Prescott is an influential person to society because of his loss of his mother, promotion of Ready, Raise, Rise, and development of tattoos. The loss of his mother, Peggy Prescott, influenced Dak Prescott to continue following his dreams. Peggy Prescott did this when she got diagnosed with colon cancer by saying, “‘Allow me to be your story. All the greats have a story’’’ (Jenny Vrenta). After hearing what his mother told him when she got diagnosed he took it in and followed his dreams. Todd Archer quotes Dak’s brother Tad who states, “Said Tad, ‘For Dak to play that game was more of a tribute to her because of the type of mom she was. It was more honoring her to be on that field."’ Dak continued to play football and go to the NFL like his mother told him to do. Dak is now playing in the NFL honoring his mother while she watches over him and protects him. …show more content…

Dak’s brother states that “Dak took the loss of his mother very hard, one of his close friends, Eric Stonestreet said, “And then it was my turn to do it for her and give back to her everything that she taught me.”’Modern Family's Eric Stonestreet and Cowboys QB Dak Prescott 'Team Up' to Fight Cancer — and Honor Their Moms’’ says. After Dak lost his mom and went to the NFL he decided to donate money to the Ready, Raise, Rise foundation for cancer

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