Cyp 3.1 Explain The Importance Of Child Protection

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Child protection is one of the aspects of safeguarding children and is mainly used when there has been an incidence of suspected harm or abuse, to a child or young person. As with any area of safeguarding, factors like family circumstances, the environment, poverty and cultural practices can all result in a need for child protection. Family circumstances can have an affect on the safety and well being of a child. A parent who is ill, depressed, a substance user or a victim of abuse themselves may not be able to put their child's welfare first. Responsibility for decisions about their child's care: good nutrition, clean clothes and access to health services may not happen, thus neglecting their basic needs. 'Looked-after' children, those with …show more content…

A child living in an area where violence, crime and drugs are rife could be exposed to risk and make them vulnerable. Being exposed to certain behaviours could result in the children becoming involved in them themselves. Refugee or asylum seeking children can be at risk from neglect or abuse because of their background. The impact of their circumstances that leads them to being in the country can lead to social isolation, trauma, violence and a lack of access to support, making them particularly vulnerable. Access to the Internet can be harmful to children too. Accessing unsuitable websites, social media sites and chat rooms can be a risk to their safety and …show more content…

Policies are clear, simple statements of belief, presented as a document and procedures describe how each policy will be put into action within an organisation. Safeguarding procedures in schools state how to work in a specific way, in order to protect children and look after their welfare. They are developed following guidance from the Local Safeguarding Children Boards and should promote multi-agency working, in line with Government Safeguarding Legislation. Schools will include policies and procedures for admissions and visitors, health and safety, intimate care, safeguarding, information sharing and confidentiality and empowering children and young

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