Cyp 3.1 Emotional Development Research Paper

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Children develop their milestones at different times and at their own pace. but sometimes parents can become anxious when their child hasn't developed in a certain area, for example not talking or walking like a friends child of the same age. Understanding a little about child development can help to relieve some of that anxiety. It's like being able to see the whole puzzle instead of just the pieces in the corner. If a child isn't talking at the age of two years but is using gestures, body language and babbling sounds, she is communicating and that is an indication that she is developing language skills.

If parents want to take advantage of this stage in their child's life to encourage and support their development, an understanding of …show more content…

Emotional development is however a unique skill base that requires young children to learn to regulate their emotions, feel good about themselves, take risks and develop resilience. Emotional development progresses when the bond of attachment with one or more significant adult is in place. Once this is established, children will gain skills necessary to control fear ,anxiety, excitement, anger and even shyness. A child's temperament does play a part in their emotional development and can affect how confident they feel, how trusting they are of others and what risks they are prepared to take. …show more content…

As infants hear music in the womb they connect that rhythm and beat to sounds they hear after birth. Language and literacy includes verbal and print media so books posters, signs and symbols in the environment stimulate conversations. Language also includes non-verbal communication through body language, gestures and facial expressions. The development of communication therefore, requires plenty of opportunities for children to practice speech symbols. This is where talking to and with your child will make a big

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