Curriculum As Window And Mirror Analysis

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This question seems best answered by the essay “Curriculum as Window and Mirror” by Emily Styles. People with privilege often have a mirror held up to them in the classroom. These students read and write about people just like them all through history, across every subject. People without privilege find themselves constantly looking trough windows, into a world they don’t necessarily know or connect with. A mirror is rarely held up to people who are not heterosexual, White, Christian males especially in the US. This really isn’t fair, obviously women and people of color have made important contributions throughout history, but this isn’t what we learn or what we talk about throughout our education. It’s important for teachers to be aware of the past and present tensions. They should seek to teach in a culturally sensitive way. In math and science teachers can provide examples that are inclusive, and not just …show more content…

I work really well with students one-on-one and small groups. I know I won’t last too long up in front of everyone, and neither will my students (because I’m teaching elementary schools, and lecturing to 20 children under 10-years-old is not realistic anyway), so I know I will want to create a classroom environment that can get kids working independently or in small groups so that I can get to the groups or individuals as needed. I will make learning interactive and regroup students in different ways.
Another important aspect of reaching every student is creating an environment of trust, respect, and community in the classroom so that every student feels comfortable reaching out for help and no one feels judged or stupid for needed extra time or reading books of a different level. This step also involves not singling students out for their differences and

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