Culture: Culture, Culture And Culture Of Russia

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How do you characterize a country, the people who occupy the land, their livelihood and who they are as a group? Culture is the answer that can illustrate a country with millions of people. Culture is the culmination of social interactions in a certain region, terrain, religious beliefs, and society as a whole. Russia is a nation that has been molded and formed by their culture, for better or worse. Russia is described through its vast history, population, politics and events that have molded Moscow’s attributes.
About land mass, Russia is the biggest country in the world. Within the largest country, over 140 million people reside within its borders. Terrain includes hills, mountains, and valleys. Summers tend to be warm and favorable with humidity; winters, on the other hand, are extremely freezing with large amounts of snow. Due to the land being extremely icy and dry in summer and winter, the soil is not ideal for agriculture. The primary language spoken is Russian, for most English is the secondary language. Religion plays a significant role in society where the majority attends the Russian Orthodox Church. With religion playing a part in the majority of the country, families are intertwined with the church. …show more content…

The typical family in Russia is small and usually consists of one child. Because women work, time spent on household chores is limited. Having fewer children helps free up the wife so she can contribute financially without being overwhelmed with child care. It has been the norm up until the twentieth century that young women would marry around the age of 15. Despite being so young, marriage was not romantically driven instead the primary goal was to bear children. Nowadays marriage is not rushed, and most marriages take place in their mid to late

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