The Role Of Diversity In Cultural Schizophrenia

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The diversity in cultural schizophrenia does not confine itself to one group or a specific part of the country. It has a much broader spread and applies to all, including the sub-groups of the Pakistani society.
Schizophrenia is a serious mental illness characterized by incoherent or illogical thoughts, bizarre behavior and speech, and delusions or hallucinations, such as hearing voices. Schizophrenia typically begins in early adulthood. According to E.B. Taylor,
"Culture is a complex whole which includes knowledge, beliefs, art, morals, customs and all other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of a society." Cultural schizophrenia is a phenomenon whereby anything that is happening outside of the conventional set of cultural …show more content…

Multiple challenges have to be negotiated when working therapeutically in the context of cultural diversity, assimilation, spirituality, family fragmentation and mental health diagnosis. The phenomenon of cultural schizophrenia can be attributed to patient, professional and institutions involved in diagnosis and treatment, when the psychological challenges of living with diversity are not taken into account. This can mean a client’s psychological experience is denied or split off from their experience of being black, from the experience of being an immigrant or from belonging to a group whose origins differ from the host population. Solutions to this problem can be found when the therapist is willing to facilitate culturally sensitive dialogue without bias or Eurocentric-laden expectations and …show more content…

For instance, we will see people practice Hindu influenced activities at a Pakistani wedding, heavily influenced by their clothes and jewellery. The music the latest generation listens to is heavily influenced by the western world, though there is a more liberal approach toward it, in terms of acceptance and quick adaption of another culture. If the TV is switched on or the internet is being surfed on a cell phone, people here would know more about the latest, popular celebrities and their life insights more as compared to even knowing the happenings of our industry.
Culture is defined more individually than socially, however it is the individuals coming together to represent the true face of their learnt culture. One of the greatest battles of all times with oneself is the concept of being accepted by the members of the society, by winning approval of the people. This situation makes it difficult for an individual to actually practice what he thinks is correct and blindly follow the masses which could lead to the decline of a culture as more people will come together around this idea making it seem the right thing to

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