Cultural Eye Example

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Analyzing Your Cultural Eye has been a move I frequently use this semester. Conversing with my daughter in law, Ashleigh about Black Lives Matter is one example. Ashleigh’s father is a cop, in California and my son is a black teenager with a driver’s license. Because of our backgrounds and experiences, we view the Black Lives Movement from complete opposite ends of the spectrum. When speaking with Ashleigh or communicating via social media, which can be taken out of context anyway, I am trying to be more cognizant of why she feels the way she does and am trying to give her things to think about in a way that doesn’t elevate one position over the other.

Political Science is the study of behavior, and political activity and deals with systems of government. In order to truly study Islam, Sunni’s, Kurd's and all of the different factions, one must remove their bias and try to adapt their cultural eye to a neutral setting. Trying to comprehend the absolute hatred that the Kurd's feel toward Arabs would be impossible without looking at the Kurdish Genocide from the cultural eye of the Kurdish people. Likewise, in order to understand the Muslim faith, the audience, if it wants to be successful, has to understand the origins and History of Islam. Hateful, ignorant rhetoric, from Donald Trump that Americans have been subjected to in our current election cycle is inflammatory and does nothing to build bridges or ascertain facts when it comes to policies impacting immigration, or …show more content…

Most Mormon voters can tell you nothing about this candidate except that he is Mormon and attends BYU football games, as evidenced on his social media. There is no evidence that he is any more qualified for the job of President of the United States than Donald Trump, but because he is a Mormon, therefore he deserves our

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