Croods Strengths And Weaknesses

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With changes in a person circumstance comes the opportunity to grow and learn. The Croods now experience many strength and weaknesses that they did not know existed prior to the birth of their baby. Of all of the strengths and weaknesses present within the Croods family there will be an analysis of the primary four. One of the Croods strengths are that they live very close to the husbands’ family. Being near the family provides the Croods with an amazing support system. It is also important to note that the family members also have children of their own, meaning that they may have some insight to share with the new upcoming parents. According to Devolin, Phelps, Duhaney, Benzies, Hildebrandt, Rikhy and Churchill (2013) it is important for new parents to have an informal support from other parents. Having your family close by does not only provide possible advice and insight, it can also result in having somebody close by in times of need. The client shares that she knows whenever any potential problems come up, she has access to others who too have had children.
A second strength within the Crood family is the fact that husband is self-employed. Being self-employed allows the father to have more flexibility and time to spend on the new addition to the family. …show more content…

Although the Croods baby is still young, there is no universal age for when this type of training should be completed (Perry et. Al 2013). Toilet training is something that must be considered with every baby. Research shows that toileting your baby as soon as possible provides them with more time to learn other things (Duffin, 2013).The Croods where educated on the time frame for potty training, how to handle possible complications and the possible signs that their baby may show when she is ready to be trained (see Appendix E). The Croods were also provided with many tips that were shared from other parents who have previously toilet trained their

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