Critical Thinking Nursing

551 Words2 Pages

Critical thinking is defined as the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgment. Critical thinking enables the nurse to consider multiple possibilities in clinical situations; identify alternatives to the data, problems, and interventions; weigh the consequences of different alternate actions; and arrive at sound decisions (Case, 1994; Oermann, 1998; Oermann &Gaberson, 1998; Whiteside, 1997). By using critical thinking exercises in orientation, continuing education programs, and interactions with staff, nurse educators and administrators can better prepare nurses to meet the challenges of today's practice.
Nurses deal with a variety of patients who all suffer from some kind of illness on a daily basis. They need to be knowledgeable on how to care and asses them. Critical thinking is involved in the nursing process to help the nurse analyze the information, solve the problem and make a decision on how to care for the patient. Once the nurse has figured out these three factors she can make a diagnosis. In making these decisions, not only does it affect the patient, but it also can affect the families. This process does not just happen overnight. It will take some time to learn and to gain the abilities needed to make appropriate decisions. …show more content…

Kataoka-Yahiro and Saylor

(1994) defined critical thinking as reflective and reasoned thinking about nursing

problems without one solution, focused on decisions about what to believe and do.

Another view is that critical thinking is the thought process that underlies effective

clinical problem solving and decision-making (Oermann, 1997; Oermann &Gaberson,

1998). Once the problem is recognized then the problem solving can begin by collecting

information, clarifying and implementing. Critical thinking can enable the nurse to have

different outcomes for each situation. This will allow you to face each day with a

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