Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Research Paper

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Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Imagine losing control of body movement, losing memory, and forgetting family members. Imagine not remembering anything because of a disease. Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) is a brain disease similar to alzheimer's, but CJD is highly infectious and causes a much fast deterioration of the nervous system (Sick!). CJD affects between two hundred and fifty and three hundred Americans each year and is most common in people between the age of fifty and seventy-five years (World of Health). Since CJD is not very common, not many people know what it is, what causes it, and what treatment there is. Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease was first described by a Alfons Maria Jakob, a German psychiatrist, in 1921. Jakob gave credit to another German psychiatrist, Hans Creutzfeldt, and that is how the disease got its name (Blaser). Even though the disease was found in 1921, very little is known to this day. Prior to 1995, almost no one outside the medical field knew about CJD and most doctors had never seen a case. It was not until a new variation of CJD was found that more research had been done (Sick!). The …show more content…

Prusiner’s theory stated that spongiform encephalopathies might be caused by certain proteins (Sick!). Many researchers thought that Prusiner’s theory had no logic because no form of protein had ever been found to cause any infectious disease. More than fifteen years of research confirmed Prusiner’s theory that a protein was the cause. The research had discovered an unusual type of protein in the brains of animals affected by various kinds of spongiform encephalopathies. Scientists now believe, because of Prusiner, that Kuru, bovine spongiform encephalopathy, vCJD, and other related diseases, like CJD, are caused by the transmission of prions from an infected person to a healthy person

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