Jefferson's Canoeing Challenge: Conquering Water Fears

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Jefferson felt his throat constrict, and his muscle tense up griped paddle, it took most his will power not to alnce at the water below.
“hey, Jeff,can uou slow down, it’s hard to match your speed of you go so .” James called out from the back of the canoe.
Jeff glanced back at his , he didn’t even realized he was paddeling, at all, this explained the trueness e felt in his arms, slowing his speed he . He hasn’t wanted o go caneoung but James had wanted to go and he could never say no to the smaller boy, despite shat Alexander thought e wasn’t compleltly heartless. Focusing mostly on his breatibg and on keeping his stroke slow and string he felt himself relaxed, this was going well, he had never understood his uneasyness in the water, he …show more content…

I’m sure lunch will be served soon.” James asked Jefferson only nodded he should have felt comforted y the fact that hod friend was trying to make up an excuse for turning back but he only felt pathetic, they hadn’t been out that long, d james seemed excited to get out on the water.
They had brought the boat back to the sandy beach area, carrying it over to the boat house, jefferson st wanted to leave the equppiment at the beach, but he rather ot get yelled at Mr, king for leaving a ess.
Leaning agafnts the boat house he sighed rubbing his plans agaunt his shorts. He hardly heard james come up till he spoke. “um. Do you want to talk about it.” Jefferson just shrugged he didn’t want him o know he was of water, if Alexander caught wind of this. He would hear the end of it, not that he thoughts ames would tell but he couldn’t chsbce it.
“if something ,”
“look, I don’t want talk so why don’t you find someone else to bother, k?” His words sliced through the cutting off the other boy before he couldn’t even finished. He hasn’t meany to sbapp t im like , glancing over at Jane’s, who was looking down at the ground, kicking softly at the drit goddam it why he did he have to vevsuch a fuck up. “listen, james,

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