Creative Writing: Starbucks Observation

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One of the things I've seen is that the vast majority does not take a seat. They come in, get their beverage and go. The ones that take a seat stay any longer than it takes to devour their beverage. The beverage is only an accidental buy. Surely not the reason they arrive. Large portions of the general population who come in as a gathering are grinning when they enter. Half the same number of is grinning when they clear out. Individuals who come in alone commonly aren't grinning by any stretch of the imagination. There were a greater number of gentlemen than young ladies sitting without anyone else's input, and the general population who were talking in gatherings of a few were for the most part young ladies. The vast majority who strolled …show more content…

I was observing everyone that was coming in from 7:30am to 9:30am. One side of the divider has a glass top, and the lower piece of the divider, made of wood, is painted brilliant red. Individuals can really see through the glass divider and become acquainted with the exercises within the café. I was entranced by the two red roof lights which are molded like bloom buds. As I entered the coffeehouse, two major green plants close to the passage welcomed me. The Starbucks not by any stretch of the imagination have an entryway, making it simpler for individuals to stroll in and out. There is a gigantic sustenance and drink counter at the right half of the shop. Behind the counter, there is a long table brimming with distinctive electronic gadgets along the divider. Between the counter and the table, there is a cooler only for ice. The Starbucks had about 10 tables and 2 tables outside. Some of the rules are to not be loud when you are with other people because it can be rude to be loud when other people are trying to get stuff done. Other rule is that you must have your order ready or the people behind you will get annoyed. People are usually really grumpy before they had their coffee so you must be polite and let them drink their coffee. Most people are either on their phones or on their laptops. Most people are either doing homework for school or surfing the web. From what I saw was that college students come to Starbucks to get coffee and do their work while having their coffee. Usually girls would be in groups of two or three and order coffee. Caucasian females were the most out of all the races that were at Starbucks. I saw that almost all ethnicity would come to Starbucks and enjoy a cup of coffee. It was interesting to just observe other people’s actions and behavior. Everybody acts a different way before they had some coffee. I learned a lot from just watching other people live their normal lives.

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