Creative Writing: Ashlyn's Headaches

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Ashlyn awoke with a start. The dizziness was gone, but she had a bizarre headache. She tried to stand, but her legs couldn't hold her and she collapsed. She groaned, feeling like someone had punched her in the stomach. Trying to clear her head, she looked around to see where she was. All around her was cobblestone walls and they went way up. At the top, was a bright light that was not helping with her headache.
“Hellllllllllloooooo? Anyone here?” Ashlyn called. Her voice echoed off the walls, the sound hurting her ears. Ashlyn tried climbing up the walls, but for some reason, she just slipped back down every time. She sighed and looked up, feeling hopeless. Then she noticed a bucket hanging down from the top of the walls. Reality was a slap to the face.
“I’m in a well?!” Ashlyn shrieked in disbelief. Now she noticed that she was floating in deep water. This day was not working out for her at all. She wondered how she ended up in a well and reached up to play with some hair, but it was gone and she noticed a shocking development on her arm.
“I’m bald and I’m a frog,” Ashlyn said, looking at her green arm. She started to chuckle hysterically. This is probably a dream so maybe I can--OW!!!!
A golden ball had fallen through the top of the well and had hit Ashlyn on the head. Her head exploded. She was so …show more content…

Ashlyn finally saw something off in the distance. She hopped off the boy’s shoulder and ran to the top of the hill. There it was: a complex building with immense balconies and she wasn’t sure if her eyes were playing tricks on her or not, but it looked as if the entire thing was made out of diamonds. It was magnificent. The amazing thing about it was that it was many buildings all connected, but it was in the levitating in the sky! Ashlyn dropped the rose, staring at the grand, flying building in

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