Personal Narrative Essay About Stealing

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What do you think about stealing? Is it good? Is it bad? Honestly, I would say it's bad because you never know what the consequences are, do you? I stole something once, something I could never return… It was a bright, sunny day in King's Lynn. Me and my girlfriend, Phoebe, were walking home from town. The cool breeze from the river brought some relief. We had just been shopping and, as usual, I was piled high with bags of Phoebe's new clothes. I have no idea where she gets the money from! After all, she is only an English teacher at a shoddy little school on the outskirts of Lynn. I don't know why she stays there, she is too good for the students there. But, she enjoys shopping, she finds it very therapeutic, and I enjoy being with her. …show more content…

She was wearing a black polka dot blouse with a teal cardigan and a grey pencil skirt and black gloss stilettos. All of this was set off by a diamond necklace that I had brought her for Christmas. Her white nails glittered in the sunlight. She looked like a movie star; perfect teeth, smooth complexion and a small silver handbag that hung loosely from her shoulder, bouncing on her hips every time she moved. I, on the other hand, looked like a model for a charity shop. A creased pale blue blue shirt, waistcoat (one size to big) and black skinny jeans ripped at the knee with braces hanging off. I don't dress for style, I dress for comfort. But not that you could see that under the countless Primark bags. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, our apartment block loomed over us. An ugly, grey lump of concrete and glass placed in the centre of Lynn with views of the endless traffic, belching black smoke into the crisp air, and the dull, lifeless river. It wasn't the best place to live but the rent was cheap and we're close to the town. Unfortunately, to get to our apartment we have to climb up three flights of steps before we reach our “luxury” apartment. I start clambering up and Phoebe

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