Creative Writing: Article 4: Furry Hentai '

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Article 4: Furry Hentai Furry Hentai is, roughly “Perverted Animals”. Typically it is porn with human like animals. Think Zootopia when you think human like animals. And with this new Movie, and the world seeing how thick a rabbit can be. I think that the furry hentai genre and theme is really booming and I have become slightky encumbered by it. There are so many avenues to fuel any kind of dark pleasure with hentai furry, you just need to know where to look. Here is your Furry Hentai 101; Best furry Hentai Pics Lets start with a few pictures, below you will find links and previews of the best furry hentai pics. The picture will link you back to the artist or blog I found them on. These are Furry Only sites. If you are looking for hentai Pics see my other article Here 1. …show more content…

Hentai Box. Net / Furry As I mentioned in my article about Hentai Manga (Link) Hentai Box has a lot of awesome content, and they have a section dedicated to furry hentai themselves. There are a lot of options on this site and allowes you to search not only by furry but also by furry tags (if you are more into canines than felines if you get my drift). 3. Straight Furry Hentai Manga @ Tumblr ( The title really says it all for this Furry Hentai Comic Blog. No Ifs and or buts about this Blog, you come here you will find Furry Hentai Manga, with Heterosexual characters. It's always nice to know what you are getting into, since a lot of the other places have, lets just say, more penises that others may want? Haha Lastly Furry Hentai Game; I was at Origins (gaming convention) 2014 and picked up a great card game that is furry hentai oriented. It is a deck builder, and has very erotic and AHHHMAZING art. Since I acquired mine at Origins, I recieved a poster (my favorite Slutty Squirrel) for free. Below you will find pics, and link back to the developer and distributor; Furoticon! ( Furry Hentai

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