Craig Ferguson Addiction

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Craig Ferguson quoted in his book American on Purpose: The Improbable Adventures of an Unlikely Patriot, “ Ros was dead. He had loved heroin more than it loved him. I was shocked beyond imagining; he was the first of friends to fall.” We see many addictions in the modern era addictions to food, sniffing, shopping, and some of the weirdest addictions humans didn't know others could be so attracted to. Any addiction can be overcome it might be effortless to some, and to others, most likely, the situation might be crucial to ones health. Ferguson wasn’t referring to any simple addition one could overcome fast he was discussing an intense addiction that takes lives, heroin. “Heroin was first synthesized from morphine in 1874.” This action aided the sprout of heroin empires, drug lords, …show more content…

“A study from the University of Edinburgh autopsied the brains of 34 opiate abusers (they were using heroin or methadone).” This activity helped them understand the causes that heroin is inducing in the vital organ that carries all functioning activities the brain. When the university started these studies they wanted people whose brains didn't have any head or anytype of brain injury.When they obtained the results of this experiment they were shocked to see that “the brain showed brain damage similar to the early stages of Alzheimer’s.” Not only does the brain experience early stages of Alzheimers, but also the abuse of heroin can start to deteriorate the brain. When the brain is at deterioration stage it can cause permanent severe damage. Deterioration of the brain is like soggy food it makes the brain spongy “resulting in overall weakness, spastics attacks and permanent hand tremor.” If you are left with these permanent symptoms then how do you expect to sustain yourself when you're older? Heroin can also cause slurred speech and emotional damage like “depression and lack of

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