Could Civil War Be Avoided Essay

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Could the Civil war be avoided? The civil war was a war that split the United States into two sides. There was the north who opposed slavery and the south who wanted slavery. During this time president Abraham Lincoln was elected into the white house. When the civil war ended there was a total of 60,000+ people dead! Could the civil war be avoided? The civil war could have been avoided for three reasons, There were compromises, the number of slaves were going down and there were other countries who abolished slavery without going into a civil war.

The first reason that the civil war could have been avoided is there were compromises that were being used to try and prevent a civil war. There were a total of “6 constitutional amendments and four proposed congressional resolutions”. These compromises gave hope to Crittenden that there was a chance to get rid of slavery without a civil war. The compromises forbade the abolition of slavery on federal land in slaveholding state, compensated owners of runaway slaves, and restored the compromise of the line of 36 degree 30(Crittenden article). Civil war could have been avoided with the crittenden compromises. …show more content…

And a decent amount of states seceded from the union (South Carolina, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana Texas and mississippi). They argued that Abraham Lincoln won the northern election not the southern election. They also did not agree with the compromised by crittenden (Smithsonian video). But I argue that we could have avoided civil war because we were 1 of the 2 countries who went into a civil war (Haiti was the other) the rest of the countries abolished slavery without a civil war which means we had a way to avoid the war, we just might have missed

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