Cost Allocation

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Cost allocation is the process of identifying, aggregating, and assigning of cost to various separate activities. There is no overly precise method of charging cost to objects, hence resulting to approximate methods being used to do so. Amongst the approximation basis used includes square footage, headcount, cost of assets employed, and electricity usage amongst others. The main aim of cost allocation is to spread cost in the fairest possible method and also to impact the behavior pattern of the cost.

The government always has various projects to be undertaken for the benefit of the nation, and the projects require proper cost allocation of the available resources. This is done to identify repayment responsibility with the respect to recovery, cost sharing or both. The federal government makes cost allocation with an aim of deriving an equitable distribution of project costs among authorized project purposes, or the proposed for authorization. The laws and requirements that requires cost sharing or reimbursement specifies recovery of cost incurred for the service. This makes cost allocation necessary for most federal multipurpose projects having reimbursable purposes (U, S Army Corps of Engineers, 1998).

To test the financial feasibility and plan acceptability, there must be information on the magnitude, and share of estimated project cost that are reimbursable. This information can be derived from cost allocation. Also where cost sharing is required in the multipurpose planning process cost allocation can be applied. Cost allocation also provides information necessary for allocating the real expenditures ensuring that the cost account are maintained in line with plan formulation and allocation principles during the subsequent c...

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...nt costs are allocated using different factors. This is because to determine the magnitude and the scope of a certain cost, there must be some factors to be considered. Hence different categories of costs are treated differently and are allocated cost differently. Hence it is clear that cost allocation is a noble requirement for every project.

Works Cited

City of Seattle Budget 2009-2010, (2011). Cost Allocation. Retrieved from:

Kulick Donald J, (1993). Allocation of Cost and Administration of Taxes. Retrieved from:

U, S Army Corps of Engineers, (1998). Cost Allocation. Retrieved from:

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