Activity-based costing

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Activity-based costing (ABC) is a costing method that is designed to provide managers with cost information for strategic and other decisions that potentially affect capacity and therefore “fixed” as well as variable costs. Activity-based costing is mostly used for internal decision making and managing activities while traditional costing method is used to provide data for external financial reports. Most organization uses activity-based costing as an addition system for using traditional absorption costing as sometimes the traditional cost system misleads the product’s profitability. In a company, there are many products on sale, if one product is sold at a high price with low product margin and a product with high product margin at a low price, it may result in a loss. In addition, due to the reason that cost drivers and enterprises business may change, activity-based costing analysis also needs to be revised periodically. This amendment should be prompted to change pricing, product, customer focus and market share strategy to improve corporate profitability.

Importance factors that lead to successful implementation in activity-based costing

Firms today are trying to introduce activity-based costing into their system, however, some firms are unsuccessful in the implementation, which later result in abandoning the ABC system. According to research, the reason of failure ABC implementation in People’s Bank of China is due to lack of a clear business purpose about the implementation, lack of education about ABC, poor ABC model design, lack of participants, individual and organizational resistance to change, and few outsourcers available. To solve these problems, top management support and cross-functional involvem...

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Activity-based costing is used as a supplement of traditional cost accounting in a company to support manager in internal decision making. It focus on assigning the indirect cost to direct costs in order to get a more accurate cost on products. Activity-based costing uses several cost pools instead of one in traditional cost accounting. The system is easy to implement and it provides many benefits, it allows the company to respond to inefficiency by reallocating resources to more profitable activity from areas that absorb too many resources. It also allows the company to respond to manufacturing overhead cost and assumes a more accurate selling price on products in order to make more profits. Company that do not have internal expertise to conduct activity-based costing analysis may think to hire one or ask company that provides this kind of services for help.

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