Cordell's Short Story 'Grains Of Paradise'

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The grains of paradise is a short story that was made into a move. In the grains of paradise cordell is a professor from New Mexico who is visiting a friend. Cordell is looking for a hot pepper to sell in mass quantities. In the end cordell finds the best pepper to sell. I believe that the movie was better than the book. THEME The movie was better than the book because the movie showed the theme of doing the right thing is more important than winning. First of all, the you got a clear visual of what the town was like. When Cordell went to talk to his friend, you could see the people living in the town and what they looked like. Clearly the movie showed how proud Cordell was to brag about his ability to eat hot peppers when he get challenged …show more content…

First of all being able to see the town's aesthetic instead of reading a description changes what you think about the characters. When Cordello shows up in the buss you see the red dirt and the town walls made out of dried clay, making you think that the people in the town would be as poor as the durit they walked on. Tio, for example, comes of as a sad excuse of a husband, but when you see him in the movie your assumption of him changes. Additionally when you read the book your ideal of what that characters look like and when you see the same characters in the movie they're completely different. The person I thought Cordell would be was so much calmer and more collected than he seems in the story. Cordell was much kinder than I thought he would be in the book she seemed to make rash decisions. The characters behaved different in the book compared to the movie which added a new aspect to the movie and not the book. Hilario Villarreal was different in the story than he was in the book Hilario Villareal was more of a grumpy old man in the book but in the movie he is a man that takes charge. Lastly the way the people of the town treated Cordell after his pepper challenge was better shown in the movie and not the book. Overall i believe that the movie better showed the emotional reaction of the characters

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