Coping With Chronic Illness Essay

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How To Cope With Chronic Illness. Illness can become an everyday problem for any person at any age. A chronic illness lasting thee months or longer can become as much a mental struggle as it is a physical one. However, there are a few simple steps that one can take to limit the stress and worrying that comes with any chronic condition.
The ability to cope with chronic illness effectively requires three main areas of focus. A compassionate medical care group, fitting encouragement from friends and family and appropriate spiritual and mental guidance.
According to the National Center for Health Statistics, a chronic disease is one lasting three months or longer. A competent and supportive medical staff is highly important when it comes to coping with chronic illness adequately.
Both your primary and specialist doctors …show more content…

Friends and family play a critical role when over time illness disrupts daily activities.
A long term illness can drive the most outgoing of individuals into isolation once the condition starts to exceed a certain duration. To avoid isolation, family members should be continually updated regarding your condition since they are the ones who interact with you on a daily basis.
Being open and honest with family members allows them to adjust to the limitations imposed by your illness. They have the unique ability to keep you grounded and in touch with the normal routine that you had prior to your illness. They know your hobbies, interests and passions.
Friends are nearly as important as family. If you are comfortable with your relationship, keep your friends informed about your current health condition. Updating them about your circumstances will help to rally them to your side. Information allows friends to adjust to your situation allowing you to enjoy many of the same activities. They will understand if the normal three hour activity is now a one hour

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