Copd Research Paper

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Respiratory System Assignment
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is the obstruction of airflow in the lungs that is not reversible. COPD includes chronic bronchitis, which is the chronic inflammation of the bronchioles where extra fluids are produced as well as a cough, and emphysema, which is larger air spaces in the lungs due to loss of airway walls. About one in every twenty patients will have COPD, with 70% of them being above the age of 45. Typically, the main cause of COPD is smoking, which accounts for nearly 90% of all COPD related deaths. The inhaled smoke irritates the mucosa of the lungs, which causes inflammation that then damages the mucosa and blocks airways. It is not a one-time cause and effect, but happens over periods of time and exposure. The more exposure, the more likely/severe the disease will appear. COPD is characterized by a chronic cough, large amounts of sputum production, and difficulty breathing that gets worse during exercise. There is no cure for COPD, but it is possible to decrease progression by ridding of irritants like by quitting smoking. Inhaled bronchodilators are used to help manage the disease and they help by reducing mucus production and relaxing smooth muscles of the lungs. …show more content…

But unlike COPD, the episodes are reversible. It is characterized by episodes of coughing and shortness of breath due to excessive responsive airways. Extrinsic asthma is the most common form and it is caused by allergic reactions to agents in the air such as dust, animals, and pollen. These cause an allergic response due to heightened activation of IgE antibodies which trigger an inflammatory response. Intrinsic asthma appears similarly to extrinsic, but it is more genetically associated and is triggered by things like increased emotional stress. The best treatment for asthma is inhaled corticosteroids, which reduces the inflammatory

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