Contrasting and Comparing Mexico and the USA

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If one were to visit different countries and societies throughout the world, they may notice the many differences and similarities each region shares. This makes the world a very unique place because there is constant change and diversity everywhere we look, no matter the distance traveled. A prime example of this would be the similarities and differences between the United States of America and Mexico. Although the two are neighboring countries, there is a great deal of diversity amongst them that deserve a thorough examination. Mexico has a total area of 1,964,275 square miles and is the 14th largest country in the world. The United States has a total area of 9,826,675 square miles and is the 3rd largest country in the world. The United States of America is more populated than Mexico with a population of 316,668,567. Mexico has a total population of 116,220,947 people. The United States of America has a very high and above average literacy rate with 99% of people at the age of 15 and above being able to read and write. Mexico has a stable literacy rate of 93.5% of people at the age of 15 and above being able to read and write. The unemployment rate throughout Mexico is fairly low at a rate of 5%, Compared to the United States of America’s unemployment rate of 17.3%. Although many Mexicans are employed, the population below the poverty line is 51.3%. USA’s population below the poverty line is 15.1%. Mexico is boarded by the United States of America, Belize and Guatemala. Mexico has a very diverse landscape of mountains, plateaus, deserts, tropical jungles, and even beautiful Palm beaches. With its diverse climate, Mexico also has a diverse population of plants. In desert areas, the most common plants that are found include cac... ... middle of paper ... of the celebration, October 31st, November 1st, and finally November 2nd. On October 31st, it is seen that the kid’s souls return. November 1st is considered the adult’s day of returning, and November 2nd is when all souls have returned from the dead and there is a big celebration. People of Mexico celebrate by making many baked goods and cooking meals, making objects such as masks and decorating papers and toy coffins to prepare for the return of the souls. Kids in both Mexico and USA enjoy playing games, whether it is tag or a cognitive thinking game. Baseball is a very popular sport in both countries; people enjoy playing from young ages all the way up to adults. There are two major baseball leagues in Mexico. Many Mexicans spend time playing sports such as golf or tennis at country clubs. This is very similar to Americans, as they too enjoy country clubs.

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