Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages

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THE CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES The consumption of alcoholic beverages has caused too much turmoil in our society. A careful examination of this subject can help an honest person see the terrible consequences that alcohol can bring to those who become a slave to it. Even though some people do not wish to recognize that the consumption of alcoholic beverages is something unethical, we must acknowledge that it is. The issue that will be under discussion is one that is spreading around very fast. So fast that some people see it as something normal. With regards to this, let us read a comment made by Mr. Rushmore, Most restaurants serve alcohol (including family restaurant chains like Pizza Hut, Ground Round and Chi-Chi’s). Where permitted, almost all grocery stores sell alcohol. Serving alcoholic beverages to guests upon entrance into one’s home has become the norm for modern hospitality. Alcohol also accompanies most social and sporting events; our leaders and heroes (e.g., politicians, entertainers, athletes and most other public figures) are viewed regularly using alcoholic beverages as well. In this brief paper I will present information that will help us to learn some things about this immoral habit. First of all, I will examine the consequences that the consumption of alcoholic beverages brings to our society. Then, I will consider how alcohol hurts those families that struggle with this evil habit. I also want to present the biblical view with regards to the subject of alcohol and finally, I want us to examine the solution to this problem at hand. THE CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES AND OUR SOCIETY Those who are given to the addiction of alcohol have brought much turmoil to our society. Mr. Tan has made the follo... ... middle of paper ... ...Inc., 1996). Rushmore, Loui. Beverage Alcohol. Winona, MS: J.C. Choate Publications, 2008. Works Cited “Today’s Traffic Safety Delinquent—The Drinker Driver,” a report of the Accident Prevention Department, Asso. Of Casualty and Surety Companies, 60 John St., N.Y., 1957. James D. Berkley, vol. 18, Called into Crisis: The Nine Greatest Challenges of Pastoral Care (, The Leadership LibraryCarol Stream, IL; Dallas, TX: Christianity Today; Word Books, 1989). Samuele Bacchiocchi. The Preservation of Grape Juice. Wine in the Bible: A Biblical Study on the Use of Alcoholic Beverages. 21 Sep 1998 . Paul Lee Tan, Encyclopedia of 7700 Illustrations: Signs of the Times (Garland, TX: Bible Communications, Inc., 1996). Rushmore, Loui. Beverage Alcohol. Winona, MS: J.C. Choate Publications, 2008.

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