Constitutional Convention In 1787

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Kaniya Goodman U.S. Gov Ms.Crouse 10-19-17 The first written constitution of the United States was the Articles of Confederation in November 15, 1777. Congress was also given the right to make treaties and alliances to maintain the armed forces and the money. Also, the central government was lacking the ability to tax and regulate commerce which led to the Constitutional Convention in 1787 and the creation of the federal law. Since the American Revolution, the U.S. congress felt that they needed a stronger union and a government powerful enough to defeat Great Britain. The central authority inhibited the creation of such a strong government that shared political theory held that a republic could not serve a large nation such as the United States .To many of the americans and their union seemed to be simply a league of confederated and also their congress representing thirteen independent polities. There were six drafts of the Articles that were prepared before congress settled on the final version in 1777.Benjamin Franklin was the first one who wrote and presented it to Congress in July of 1775.John Dickinson of Pennsylvania wrote the fourth draft version,and the text that revision the basis for the Articles approved by Congress.Dickinson’s draft was prepared in June 1776,but it was revised by committee of Congress and discussed in late

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