Considering Forensic Accounting as a Profession

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Four months ago, I made an important decision: I changed my major to Accounting. I decided to change my major because I thought I had more job opportunities and options with an accounting major. At the beginning I specifically didn’t know what I wanted to do or in what area of accounting to specialize. After doing some research I decided I wanted to be a forensic accountant. Doing some research I also found that being a forensic accountant has some unique advantages and disadvantages. Becoming a forensic accountant demands money, time, and professional related experience, and as forensic accountant there are higher possibilities of getting blackmailed, but when one is already a forensic accountant one can enjoy of a considerably good salary and several job opportunities.

Before explaining in detail the pros and cons of being a forensic accountant, it is important to give a basic overview of what forensic accounting is and when it is necessary to hire one. The forensic accounting field is the accountancy field specialized in investigating frauds and making the investigation suitable to present in a court room (Levanti). Forensic accountants can work in private businesses or corporations or for the government. Thanks to the help of forensic accountants, the FBI has been able to investigate and uncover financial frauds and money laundering crimes. For example, one famous case that unveiled the forensic accounting area was in the 1920’s, the Al Capone case. Now that one has a basic definition of forensic accounting, it will be easier to understand the pros and cons of becoming and being a forensic accountant.

First, becoming a forensic accountant demands money, time and experience. According to the author of the website article ...

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... if one is a good student, one should be able to get scholarship and finish school at low or no cost. When one is a forensic accountant, one should be careful because there could be a possibility that your reputation or safety could be hazarded. After one graduates and get experience to call oneself a forensic accountant one has many choices and industries to from. If one prefers can work for the government of the private companies of firms.

Works Cited

Levanti, Thomas. The Website of the New York State Society of CPAs. n.d. .

Online Masters Degree. n.d. .

Vogt, Peter. "Forensic Accounting Emerges as A Hot Field." n.d. Louisiana State University. .

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