Conformity Vs. Rebellion In A & P By John Updike

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There is two main types of people in the story "A&P by John Updike". The types are conformity vs rebellion. Sammy in the story is a rebel.

Sammy is a rebel because he quits just because he wanted to stand up for the girl. He said,"I quit". The girls in the story are rebels also, they go around the store in their bikinis not having a care in the world what people think.

Lengel is a conformative type of person he makes up a rule just to make the girls leave the store. He says,"that's policy for you. Policy is what the kingpins want." The old woman is a conformative person for wanting Sammy to need the register up.

The two different types of people is what makes up the story. The people judge the girls for wearing bikinis

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