Compare And Contrast Barn Burning And A & P

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In everyone’s life there is a point in time where the decision must be made to keep going along the path that life is taking you or stopping and saying, NO! This isn’t right! Two good examples of young people raising their standards and doing what they believe in is Sarty from William Faulkner’s "Barn Burning" and Sammy from John Updike's "A&P". In "Barn Burning”, Sarty is a ten-year-old boy whose views often clashes with those of his father, Abner Snopes, who has been put on trial for burning down a barn. In "A&P", Sammy is nineteen years old and works at his hometown grocery store named the A&P. His life heads down a new road when he quits the A&P after defending three girls that Lengel, the manager, got onto for going against the unwritten dress code. …show more content…

Although, Sarty and Sammy have a lot in common they also have a lot of differences, such as, the time period that the stories take place in. Another very noticeable similarity is that both men are very dissatisfied with what their authority figures are doing so they must break free to become the kind of person that they want to

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