Conflict Theory: Social Inequality In The World

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Conflict theory portrays the world as a competition among people and groups of people for scarce resources. It teaches us how inequality is born and long occurring in this world. It all started with Karl Marx, which argued that capitalism singles out workers from the means of production and invents a social system that ensures workers are chained to the factories. Conflict theory tries to understand why the world is built on the idea of trying to exclude certain people and groups from social hierarchies. Conflict theory is a perspective in social science which speaks of the social and material inequality of a social group, which draws attention to power differentials, such as class conflict. A handle full of conflict theories set out to highlight …show more content…

It’s not that Marx did not care about those things at all but it’s that those things were not the most important thing to him. He thought that they were secondary to the production and control of resources, all of these things were secondary. Conflict theory helps you understand how the world works, what matters to the outside world and what doesn’t. Conflict theory proved to people that things like money, power and class and things like our very own government using the economy to take advantage of individuals who don’t have much can cause a lot of conflict in our nation turning it into what he began to preach about. The conflict theory draws a picture of our everyday reality such as how much money you have or your social status will depend on how you will be treated. If you’re wealthy, people look up to you and treat you better than the person that does not have much and is just a typical worker. People that don’t have much may believe the government is trying to change their status and help them by making them believe that they are rising but it’s just building up. Although most schools get the same education the difference in their mone value can make them seem like there much better than other schools but in

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