Concerts Across Time

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“My Maserati does 185, I lost my license now I don’t drive, I have a limo; ride in the back, I lock the doors incase I’m attacked.” (Joe, Walsh) I was young no older than six or seven, seated cross-legged on the floor of my father’s bedroom listening to him play his old scuffed up dark cheery wood acoustic guitar and sing the lyrics. I was clueless to what a Maserati was or why anyone would attack a limo, but I adored the way it sounded when it was sung over the smooth easy flowing guitar riffs. For me this was the point when my love of music developed listening to my father play his guitar and sing songs from the 60’s, 70’s, and some he wrote himself. This song always takes me back to those moments and the sense of warm enjoyment I felt listening to my father play. Music is a powerful tool that acts on the full scale of human emotions with the ability to, light up a dark day, or cloak a persons every thought with sorrow. The Baroque Era was the first period in history when the effects of music were realized, studied and implemented for use in early forms of marketing as emotion control over spectators. Many trends found in modern music can be traced back to the information learned and gathered during the Baroque period.
The section I chose from the Best of Baroque concert series performed at Tunxis Community College was performed live at a cyber café on campus for any and all to enjoy. This is the polar opposite from the Baroque era of music; concerts were limited to church services and wealthy patrons who had the means to support the arts. This concert focused on the music vs the musicians. The driving purpose of this performance is spreading music from the Baroque era to a group of the modern public. The music starts sh...

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...pes of conveying a message through emotional responses triggered by the melody, rhythm and lyrics of their music. As media and technology have evolved and grown into a critical part of the modern world the focus of the music has shifted to a combined image of the composer and their work not just the music alone. Music has developed from a society based in the church with music grounded around religion into a means of expression for every feeling human’s experience. Lyrics are more prominent in the modern era as a result of increased literacy in society allowing composers to speak their message vs having to build the emotion through notes, timing and instruments. A basic laptop, sound studio software and an internet connection allows anyone to compose, produce, and distribute their own music to millions of people worldwide without leaving the comfort of their home.

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