The Importance Of Transcendentalism

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Even though people listen to music just to hear the melody, music is a way to express certain feelings and think about what the song means to someone personally. 20th century pop artists including Dido, Louis Armstrong, and Garth Brooks reveal transcendentalist values of the 19th century Literary Movement through self-reliance, deliberate living, and importance of nature.

“My Life” written by Dido explains how her life should only include her and no one else. She uses self-reliance to show how she wants to live her life on her own and not rely on her peers. She continuously uses the words “it’s my life” to describe what she wants to have in her life. Self-reliance is expressed through this song; Dido stays determined to live her life the …show more content…

In his song “What a Wonderful World” recorded in 1967, Armstrong looks out into nature and tells us what he sees. “I see trees of green, red roses too. I see them bloom, for me and you. And I think to myself, what a wonderful world.” Louis Armstrong is observing the outside world, using the importance of nature to define what he understands nature is, he is telling the listeners that it, the creation of God, is wonderful. . Importance of nature is a transcendentalist value in which transcendentalists believe that God is the same thing as nature. “At other times watching from the observatory of some cliff or tree, to telegraph any new arrival; or waiting at evening on the hill-tops for the sky to fall, that I might catch something” (Thoreau 767). Thoreau suggests that people understand and “catch something” when they look into nature. Transcendentalists think that being close to nature can also bring us closer to God himself. “The transcendentalists were not reactionary or opposed to the modernization of the world; they were, however, concerned that such modernization could lead to alienat ion. Nature provided a way to keep humans in touch with their souls and with their spiritual foundations.” (Milne 844.) Transcendentalists thought that nature was a way to connect with themselves; they were worried that the modernization of the world would lead to isolation. Ira Mark Milne claims that transcendentalists were not aware of …show more content…

His song “We Shall Be Free” refers to transcendentalism, in his lyrics “When this world’s big enough for all different views” he is stating that everyone has different views of the world and everyone should be free to express those opinions. Brooks is using the transcendental value of deliberate living to give details about what he is singing. His only source to life is being free. Deliberate living is living with only the essential facts of life and learning what you need to learn later on. Henry David Thoreau writes “to know that we know what we know, and that we do not know what we do not know, that is true knowledge. When one man has reduced a fact of the imagination to be a fact to his understanding, I foresee that all men will at length establish their lives on that basis.” Thoreau tells his readers that if we know what we need to know and if we don’t know what we don’t need to know, then we are sure of everything we

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