Comprehensive Sexual Education

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Imagine going through puberty without a clue of what was happening to you or why. Imagine not knowing of all the possible outcomes of having sexual intercourse or how to be safe. Its already a confusing time for many adolescents, so if they are not given the proper education they will remain oblivious of the truth. Many adolescents are misinformed or not properly educated about puberty and how their body changes. Teens engage in activities unaware of the possibilities it could lead to. It is not only the parents, but also the Department of Education’s responsibility to teach them what they need to know about sexual health. Comprehensive sexual health education should be required for all young teens whether in Intermediate or High School to help to help promote the importance of making healthy decisions about sex and their health.
Comprehensive sexual education means that all topics that affect sexuality and sexual health will be taught. Certain topics that sexual education concerns include: abstinence, contraception, …show more content…

According to a study, by the end of high school when teens are approximately 18 years of age, over half of males and females have had sexual intercourse (McKeon, 2006). Whether they were properly informed about how to be safe or of the risks is the question. People ages 15-24 contract almost half the nation’s 19 million new sexually transmitted infections every year (Advocates for Youth, 2009), so it is highly important for parents and schools to emphasize the importance of practicing safe sex. Implementing sexual education has proven to help delay sexual activity, reduce the number of partners and increase the use of condoms and other forms of contraception (Advocates for Youth, 2009) By introducing teens to the reality of their choices they are given the responsibility of making the right decisions concerning their health

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