Comparing and Contrasting a Magazine Advertisement with a Television Advertisement

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Comparing and Contrasting a Magazine Advertisement with a Television Advertisement

In our day to day lives we are surrounded with advertising, all be it

Bill boards Television, Magazines and various other kinds of media

which advertises. All of which are predominantly trying to influence

us enough to get a sale of their product. Advertising surrounds us in

many forms, whether we’re walking up a street and there are

billboards, driving in the car and the radio is on, reading the news,

finding out the gossip in our magazines, watching our favourite soap,

surfing the net, and now even picking up our mobile phones and finding

we are subjected to advertising.

There is always a target audience which is generally divided into

categories like the following, younger children, teenagers, young

women and men (18 to 25 years) older women, older men, businessmen and

women, social groups, there is obviously no set category.. The types

of adverts that are the most effective are those that leave a lasting

impression. Ones that make you want to buy the product or find out

more about it. They have a strong message that you remember.

Adverts have slogans. In a good advert this is often the strongest

message that you remember the catch phrase. There is generally a Hook,

The element of an advert that interests you. Television adverts and

radio generally have jingles. A short song or musical saying that is

supposed to stay in your head. Music can create a pace and rhythm.

Music can capture the overall atmosphere of a scene and make you feel

certain emotions, e.g. sadness, fear excitement and passion. All of

this strengthens the selling point. The use ...

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... make an impact on me.

Perhaps if they were to change it, add a better hook possibly even a

rev of an engine would engage viewers as the sound would definitely be

a head turner, or even a well-known theme tune.

Advertising is extremely important for every company as without

advertising people cannot see, hear, or read about new products and

will obviously not buy.

Advertising is also important in the 21st century because;

1. There is so much competition between brands,

2. Companies want to make more money and advertising is a way to

gain new customers.

3. If companies do not attract customers to buy their products they

will not sell and be able to make a profit.

4. No profit, no new products as everything costs money to make , to

advertise to sell. It is really a vicious circle!

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