Comparing Vietnam Soldiers In The Iliad

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Posttraumatic stress disorder is a psychological disorder that occurs after a person has been through a traumatic event, such as combat warfare. In this essay, I would like to compare Vietnam soldiers to soldiers in the Trojan War, and contrast the similarities and differences between the two, also analyze how soldiers’ lives have been affected similarly throughout two completely different wars. I would also like to show the irony of war, and how war doesn’t only dehumanize soldiers, but it also inspires valuable human qualities. In the movie Achilles in Vietnam, Dr. Shay does a great job by showing us how the psychological devastation of Vietnam veterans compares to the one Achilles experienced after losing his beloved comrade, Patroclus. …show more content…

Within book six of the Iliad, we see how warfare interferes with personal relationships such as a marriage. Homer wants us to see not just how the soldiers suffer and feel alone during war, but also how their families feel as well. Hector’s wife doesn’t want him to go to war, because she knows how strong the Greeks are and Andromache also knows that Hector will be killed. Hector also knows he will be killed, but he makes this sacrifice to fight in the war, not only for his city of Troy but also for his family. Within this scene, we see the irony of war. Although war is terrible, and it dehumanizes soldiers and leaves them often emotionless, they also develop a sense of belonging, they gain new leadership traits and valuable human qualities such as comradeship, loyalty, and most of all- courage. These are all virtues Hector shows us in book 6. Homer wants us to see the very few but positive effects war has on soldiers. Although war tears families apart, soldiers become part of a family; a brotherhood and these relationships help them develop qualities they may have never developed before. Hector is courageous enough to finish fighting, although he knows he will lose, he is still loyal to his family by trying to provide a better life for them after the war has ended, and also to his brothers, by standing by them and fighting the Greeks off together, finishing this fight strong, representing his city as a leader, not as a scared soldier who chose to run away and be safe. Hector shows us he thinks critically, logically, not emotionally like Agamemnon did, which led to the Greeks being

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