Comparing Two Experiments In Psychology

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Psychology is the scientific study of behavior of metal process of living organisms. In the study, an experiment was carried out, which was to smile, be neutral and frown to six different people respectively, including three in same gender and three in opposite gender. Therefore, there will be six trials throughout the experiment. In the study, the independent variable, the variable to be manipulated, was the different emotion conditions of the experimenter, which was myself. I had to give three different emotion conditions, which are smile, neutral and frown. Moreover, the dependent variable, the variable to be measured, of the study was the degree of emotional response of the strangers that were approached. In addition, the study might include confounding variable, which are the cultural background of the strangers, and the mood of strangers of the time. The confounding variables should be controlled as they might affect the dependent variable. The operation of the experiment was I walk up to a stranger and put on different emotions on my face, and observe the response of the stranger. The theory of the study is about the norm of reciprocity, which can be explained by the mirror neurons in human’s body. …show more content…

To the opposite gender, when I smiled, was neutral, and frowned, they had a small smile, was neutral and had a small frown at me respectively. To the same gender, when I smiled and frowned to them, they had a small smile and small frown at me respectively. However, when I was neutral to the same gender, the person smiled at me, which was different from my hypothesis. The reason might be the difference in cultural background, which his culture makes him be optimistic and carries a smile on his face all the time. Moreover, the reason might also be he had a very good day that leaded him to a good mood, so he just simply smiled at

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