Comparing Romeo And Juliet And American Teenager

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The Life of Romeo and Juliet and American Teenager
Shakespeare’s play, Romeo and Juliet, portrays the lives of two lovers named Romeo and Juliet, and the actions of their lives as they try to hide their love from their parents. There are two important families that play and important role and they are the Capulets and the Montagues. In order to highlight the similarities between Romeo and Juliet and a typical teenager seen today in America, consider the following: personalities, attitudes, and emotions.
These similarities that were listed describe the actions of how Romeo and Juliet and teenagers act today. The first similarity is personality. In Romeo and Juliet, Juliet tries to talk in a way to Paris, so that Juliet does not obligate herself with him and tries not to have a relationship with Paris. However, Juliet tries to back off and does not want to be with Paris. This relates to American teenagers seen today in the world. Teenagers try to make the problem easier by talking themselves out of it. They don’t want to be in a bad situation, …show more content…

The first difference is marriages. In Romeo and Juliet, there are arranged marriages. The parents pick get to pick who you are marrying. In our time, there aren’t any arranged marriages. From this, people get the freedom to choose who they want to be with in life.
The second difference is the way people talk in the old age and the new days. There is a huge difference in Romeo and Juliet and American teenagers on how they talk. In Romeo and Juliet, many people proceed to use numerous and plenty of words to present a very little bit. The language in Romeo and Juliet was poetic-type. In our time, teenagers get to the point when they are talking to their friends or other people. Teenage Americans don’t use poetic-type of language because we aren’t in the old medieval days. We even use slang and abbreviated words for us to talk

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