Comparing Kant And Aristotle's Theories On Abortion

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When it comes to abortion Kant’s position is better than Aristotle’s and should be used. Kant believed in Deontology; a duty theory. This theory stated that actions must be done because we know it is our duty. The duty would be to do the right thing even if it is contrary to our inclinations. Kant thought that more often than not our moral duty went against our personal desires because we are unable to separate emotion from reason. Abortion is a perfect example of this. Many abortions take place because the mothers feel as if having the child would ruin their lives. By doing this they are putting their morals aside to prevent an innocent child from what they think would be ruining their lives. Morality comes from doing your duty and …show more content…

For example, these animals will not thrive alone. The process of change for political animals starts with, political animals being the potential moving to the right desire, then ending with moral virtues being the actual. Rational animals are those who possess the ability to have deep and meaningful thought about the process you go through to reach their end or ‘good’. These animals could spend their lives in thought without engaging with others, but would not thrive. For rational animals the process starts with rational animals being the potential, moving to the right deliberation and ending with intellectual virtues being the actual. This change symbolizes the irrational part of the soul transitioning from nutritive, to perceptive or desiring, to rational. The nutritive aspect of the transition is where we are born. Here we are controlled by our lust. In the desiring stage we lead with our hearts and yearn for recognition. In the final rational stage we are controlled by our heads and are able to make decisions that result in the good for everyone. This process of change also ties into the Practical Syllogism. So, if we are ever able to possess the right traits, they take a long time. It would take years for our minds to develop enough for us to be able to make the moral decision. Let’s face it, not everyone that is capable of producing a child is capable of having deep and meaningful thought and in most cases the child is conceived through lust, leaving many stages for the parent to go through before being able to possess the right

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