Analysis Of Jacobins And The Reign Of Terror

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Jacobins and Girondins were two political groups that were fighting for power during the times of constitutional monarchy in France. However, the two groups used different methods in claiming power. This is because Jacobins were the violent groups while Girondins were the moderate part of Jacobins. In 1791, King Louis XVI tried to sneak out of the country to Austria so that he can come up with an agreement with Austria so that they can fight the revolutionaries (Tarrow, 2011). However, he was caught before he got out of the country. Jacobins and Girondins wanted a change in the ruling of the country, but they differed in ideologies. This is because Jacobins wanted the king to be pushed out violently while the Girondins wanted the king to remain …show more content…

This is because although Jacobins were violent and aggressive they wanted liberty in the country and independence (Wokler, 1998). This difference in ideologies and social class caused tension between the two groups hence causing the Reign of Terror. In case the two groups were from the same class then they would not have the differences that led to the formation of the two groups causing the Reign of Terror.
The geographical difference between the two groups was another factor that contributed to the conflict between Jacobins and Girondins (Germani, 2002). This is because Jacobins being the elite and the elite of the country live in urban centers. On the other hand, Girondins lived in the rural areas as they were poor to afford accommodation in the urban centers. The geographic backgrounds of people have been found to affect the thinking of a person.
This is because people from rural areas grow in a peaceful environment where there is little force involved among people. However, people who live in urban areas grow in a competitive environment hence making most of the urban people to be aggressive in fighting for what they want. People from rural areas use peaceful methods in coming up with solutions to issues affecting …show more content…

This made followers of both groups to be involved in conflicts that led to the death of many people especially during the September Massacre. This difference between the groups facilitated the occurrence of Reign of Terror. This is because people lived knowing that war could erupt between the two groups at any time.
Jacobins took over power and changed the ruling if France from a monarch to a republic. This means that the country was led by the rich people of the country. The poor had no representative, and they were the ones who formed Girondins Group. Jacobins came to power, but they were very unstable even to go to war against Austria. This instability was also experienced in the country because they were not even able to calm down the chaos in the country. However, they went to war against Austria and were

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